Reykjanes volcano placed on Yellow warning level

Reykjanes volcano placed on Yellow warning level

2023-11-02 Reykjanes volcano placed on Yellow warning level │ Iceland Photo Gallery by: Rafn Sig,- The Reykjanes volcano has been placed on yellow warning level. This is because of sudden inflation that is now taking place north-west of Þorbjörn mountain, at a place...
Why Christmas in Iceland

Why Christmas in Iceland

2022-12-23 Af hverju jól á Íslandi / Why Christmas in Iceland by: Rafn Sig,- Í huga flestra tengjast jólin fæðingu Jesú Krists fyrir um 2000 árum og kristinni trú. Jólin eiga sér mun eldri sögu og fyrir 4000 árum héldu íbúar Mesópótamíu tólf daga hátið í kringum...
Kase Christmas Photography Contest 2022

Kase Christmas Photography Contest 2022

2022-12-10 I have the honor of being one of the judges in Kase Christmas Photography Contest 2022 I strongly encourage you to participate; there is no cost and great prizes To celebrate the new launch of the KW Revolution system and the upcoming holiday Season, we...
Gift from SKYLUM – Luminar NEO photo app.

Gift from SKYLUM – Luminar NEO photo app.

2022-11-23 Gift from SKYLUM – Luminar NEO photo app. by: Rafn Sig,- Í morgunn þegar ég vaknaði var það mitt fyrsta verk eins og oftast að fara yfir póstinn.Til að byrja með voru þetta endalausar auglýsingar eins og venjulega,  þar til ég kom að einu sem ég hef...
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