
Gatklettur in Hellnahraun at Snæfellsnes │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Gatklettur er sérkennilegur sjávarklettur nálægt Arnarstapa á Snæfellsnesi. Hann er leifar af berggangi þar sem sjórinn hefur rofið sérstætt gat á bergganginn. Mikið fuglalíf og brim er á við klettinn.

At the end of Hellnahaun lava field you will find Gatklettur Stone Arch. It’s beautiful and perfect shaped stone arch, formed over time by the erosion due to the movements of the North Atlantic Ocean. This coastline is one of the best and the rocks formations are really impressive with some very strange but interesting shapes and the thousands of seabirds flying from the surroundings make this place so particular.

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