
Mosfellsbær town │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Mosfellsbær (einnig kallaður Mosó í talmáli) er sveitarfélag sem liggur norðaustan við Reykjavík. Mosfellsbær varð til 9. ágúst 1987 þegar Mosfellshreppur varð að bæjarfélagi. Íbúar eru nú 12.721 (mars 2021)

Síðan 1933 hefur heitt vatn verið leitt úr Mosfellsbæ og til Reykjavíkur. Ullarvinnsla var mikilvæg grein í bænum og var þar framleiðsla við Álafoss frá 1919 til 1955. Nú er þar meðal annars aðsetur listamanna.

Mosfellsbær is a town in south-west Iceland, 12 kilometres (7 miles) east of the country’s capital, Reykjavík.

Since 1933 it has supplied the capital area with natural hot water for house heating, swimming pools, and other uses.

Nobel Prize winner Halldór Laxness lived in the Mosfellsdalur valley. The farm on which he was raised now is the site of the historic Mosfellskirkja church. On the valley’s south side is a cluster of greenhouses. Laxness built a house for himself and his family at Köldukvísl, and named it Gljúfrasteinn. That house has now been turned into a museum. In his later years, the author wrote the book Í túninu heima (Home in the Hayfield), in which he described his childhood experiences at his home in the Mosfellsdalur valley.

. . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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