
Háibjalli │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Háibjalli er austast af fimm misgengjum sem ganga út úr Vogastapa. Undir 10-12 m háu hamrabeltinu hófst skógrækt  1948 og er þar nú fallegur skógarlundur í umsjá skógræktarfélagsins Skógfells Vogum.

Háibjalli is next to Vogaheiði and is located in Southern Peninsula, Iceland. Háibjalli has a length of 5.55 kilometres. But it is splittet in seperate ways.

Háibjalli is actually a 10 m high cliff close to Reykjanesbraut. Parallel to the rocky belt is a lot of tall conifers and underneath the trees there is a variety of flora and birdlife.

. . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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