
Dyngjusandur │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Horft yfir Dyngjusanda á hálendi Íslands.

Helstu rykuppsprettur landsins er flestar að finna við jökuljaðra þar sem jökulár flæmast tímabundið um ársléttur, en þorna svo á milli. Dyngjusandur, er ein ákafasta uppspretta landsins.

Sandryk frá Dyngjusandi fer víða um Evrópu og allt til Svalbarða og Grænlands. Áfokið á svæðinu dreifist víða, því að það er eitt það fíngerðasta sem fundist hefur í heiminum.

Vision of Dyngjusandar in the Highlands of Iceland.

Most of the main dust sources in the country can be found at the glacier margins, where glacial rivers temporarily flood the river plains, but then dry up in between. Dyngjusandur, is one of the most intense sources in the country.

Dust from Iceland’s Dyngjusandur area reaches many parts of Europe, and as far afield as Svalbard and Greenland. The dust in the area blows far and wide because it is some of the finest ever found in the world.. . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

Welcome to my Spotify page - Cinematic Instrumental Music

Playlist No 1 - Cinematic Instrumental Music

Playlist No 2 - Cinematic Music for Videos & Films

Playlist No 3 - Cinematic Emotional Background Music

Playlist No 4 - Uss... Uss... Barnaplata / Children record

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Reikningsnr.: 0101-26-013169
Kennitala: 310155-4469

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