
Alþjóðlegi votlendisdagurinn 2. febrúar │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Alþjóðlegi votlendisdagurinn er 2. febrúar ár hvert en dagurinn markar þau tímamót að þann dag árið 1971 var Ramsarsamningur, samningur um votlendi, undirritaður en hann er alþjóðlegur samningur sem dregur nafn sitt af borginni Ramsar í Íran þar sem undirritunin fór fram.

Í dag eru um 170 ríki aðilar að samningnum þ.a.m. Ísland og tæplega 2.300 svæði vernduð af honum en samtals er flatarmálið er rúmlega stærð Mexíkó. Á Íslandi eru Ramsarsvæði sex talsins. Þau eru Grunnafjörður, Andakíl, Mývatn-Laxá, Guðlaugstungur, Þjórsárver og Snæfell-Eyjabakka svæðið.

World Wetlands Day, celebrated annually on 2 February, aims to raise global awareness about the vital role of wetlands for people and planet. This day also marks the date of the adoption of the Convention on Wetlands on 2 February 1971, in the Iranian city of Ramsar.

A call to take action for wetlands is the focus of this years’ campaign. It’s an appeal to invest financial, human and political capital to save the world’s wetlands from disappearing and to restore those we have degraded. 2 February 2022 is the first year that World Wetlands Day will be observed as a United Nations international day, following its adoption by the General Assembly on 30 August 2021 in a resolution co-sponsored by 75 member states.

. . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig


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As a native photographer I feel responsible to leave all I can behind to show how it looked like, with my photography, before it’s too late.


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