
Eystri Lækur og fosinn nafnlausi  í Krísuvíkurbergi │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Í Krýsuvík eru tveir lækir; Vestari Lækur (Vesturlækur/Krýsuvíkurlækur vestri/Fitjalækur) og Eystri Lækur (Nýjabæjarlækur/Krýsuvíkurlækur/Eystrilækur/Austarilækur).

Báðir lækirnir steypast fram af Krýsuvíkurbergi, sá eystri austan Bergsenda eystri og sá vestari neðan Fitja undir Selöldu. Vestari Lækur hefur náð að grafa sig niður í móbergið áður en hann fellur niður í fjöruna, en Eystri Lækur hefur þurft að sætta sig við ýmist að falla ofan af skarpri hárri hraunbrúninni eða falla niður í sprungur ofan brúnarinnar, allt eftir því hvernig hún hefur þróast af sjóbarningnum neðanverðum eða áhrifum jarðskjálfta hverju sinni.

Eystri fossinn hafði ekki nafn fyrrum, en í seinni tíð hafa einstaka ferðamenn reynt að nefna hann “Krýsuvíkurfoss”,. Lækurinn ofan bjargbrúnarinnar var áður einnig nefndur “Lækur á Bergi”. Vestari fossinn heitir Mígandi í örnefnaskrám.

Vestur frá Litlahrauni [austan Bergsenda eystri] tekur við allmikil mýri, sem heitir Bleiksmýri. Um hana rennur Eystri Lækur og rennur í sjó á austanverðu berginu.”

Krýsuvíkurfoss is one of two waterfalls in the Reykjanes area, also known as the Southern Peninsula (Suðurnes). There is little information online about Krýsuvíkurfoss, and it has no official name. Krýsuvíkurfoss is located east of the iconic Krýsuvíkurberg sea cliffs, in which locals derived the waterfalls name. The other waterfall also remains unnamed, but the name Vestarilaekurfoss has been suggested.

Krýsuvíkurfoss is the ending of the Eystri-Lækur stream as it falls into the Hælisvík bay. The waterfall’s visibility is very dependent on weather. Eystri-Lækur is a small stream, but with enough snowmelt or rain, Krýsuvíkurfoss can become a gorgeous waterfall. Even when the waterfall is not visible, the sea cliffs are a sight to behold. These cliffs are also home to around 57,000 seabirds.

The height of Krýsuvíkurfoss is not officially recorded, but the Krýsuvíkurberg cliffs can reach upward of 131 ft. It is safe to assume Krýsuvíkurfoss is over 100+ ft in height.

There is not much known history to Krýsuvíkurfoss itself, but the cliffs of Krýsuvíkurberg tell a geological story that’s prehistoric. These sea cliffs were formed from distinct layers of lava that had settled from volcanic eruptions long past. You can find five layers on the west side of Krýsuvíkurberg and up to 10 layers on the east where Krýsuvíkurfoss is located.

Krýsuvíkurberg is also the location of folklore mixed in with some historical truths.

History records that in 1627 Iceland was raided by pirates from Algiers. These Algerian pirates were known as “Turks” due to Algeria being under the large Ottoman Empire. The first attack recorded was on the Westman Islands, and the second attack was at Grindavík, west of Krýsuvíkurfoss. Icelanders and Danes were captured and sold into slavery in North Africa.

Legend has it that Krýsuvíkurberg was also the scene of a minor attack by the “Turks.” There are different accounts of this tale, but all involve three pirates killing a woman or two and chasing a shepherd back to his home in Krýsuvík. There the three pirates were killed. One story suggests the townspeople attacked the pirates. Another tale takes a more mystical twist having the pirates cursed by a priest. This spell forced the pirates to fight amongst themselves until they were dead.

The path the pirates allegedly took on the shore from Hælisvík bay is known as Ræningjastígur or the Bandit’s Path. In a meadow around Krýsuvík, three mounds are still visible today, reported to be the graves of these Algiers pirates.. . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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