
Fimmvörðuháls Volcanic Eruptions │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Eldgosið á Fimmvörðuhálsi var eldgos á Fimmvörðuhálsi, sem hófst skömmu fyrir miðnætti þann 20. mars 2010 og stóð til 13. apríl sama ár. Upphaflega bárust fregnir frá Lögreglunni á Hvolsvelli um eldgos og tilheyrandi öskufalli í eða við Eyjafjallajökul. Síðar kom í ljós að gosið var hraungos norðarlega í Fimmvörðuhálsi, rétt austan við Eyjafjallajökul. Hraunrennslið úr gossprungunni myndaði um 200 metra hraunfoss, þann hæsta í heimi, og rann hraunið niður í gil í grennd við gossprunguna.

Þá var gosinu lokið 13. apríl 2010. Strax daginn eftir hófst eldgos í toppgíg Eyjafjallajökuls. Gígarnir tveir sem mynduðust í gosinu hlutu síðar nöfnin Magni og Móði og hraunið sem rann frá þeim kallast Goðahraun

Fimmvörðuháls (“five cairns pass”) is the area between the glaciers Eyjafjallajökull and Mýrdalsjökull in southern Iceland.

On 20 March 2010, an eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano began in Fimmvörðuháls following months of small earthquakes under the Eyjafjallajökull glacier. The eruption began around 23:00 and opened a 0.5 km (0.31 mi) long fissure vent on the northern part of the pass. Just over a week later, the Fimmvörðuháls eruption produced a 300-meter (980 ft)-long fissure and new craters were seen erupting on a northward path toward the area of Thórsmörk, a popular tourist nature preserve, prompting tours to stop briefly as volcanologists assessed the situation further. The two new craters at Fimmvörduháls were named Magni and Móði, after the sons of Thor, the Norse god of thunder. It is an apt name because Thórsmörk is close to the craters. The new lava field was named Goðahraun, because the lava streamed in the area Goðaland. These official names were accepted by the Minister of Education and Culture 15 June 2010.

In April 2010, this was followed by a larger eruption on Eyjafjallajökull itself.

. . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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