
Fossarétt │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Fossárétt eru friðlýstar fornleifar. Fossárréttir eru tvær og er bara önnur þeirra friðlýst en það er sú sem stendur niður við fossinn Sjávarfoss og Þjóðveginn og var notuð fram til 1960. Hin réttinn er miklu minni um sig og er eldri en hún er ofar í landinu og er óðum að verða skógrækt að bráð.

Fossárét is a protected archaeological site. There are two sheep round-ups and only one of them is protected, but it is the one that stands below the waterfall Sjávarfoss and road 47 and was used until 1960. The other sheep round-up is much smaller and older. It stands higher in the forestry area and is about to be forgotten as trees have been planted both inside and outside the sheep round-up by Skógrækt Ríkisins. . . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

Welcome to my Spotify page - Cinematic Instrumental Music

Playlist No 1 - Cinematic Instrumental Music

Playlist No 2 - Cinematic Music for Videos & Films

Playlist No 3 - Cinematic Emotional Background Music

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Reikningsnr.: 0101-26-013169
Kennitala: 310155-4469

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