
Grindavík before the eruption │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Grindavík er bær og sveitarfélag á sunnanverðum Reykjanesskaga. Sjávarútvegur er aðalatvinnugreinin.

Samfelld byggð hefur verið í Grindavík frá landnámi. Samkvæmt Landnámu var Grindavík numin af þeim Molda-Gnúpi Hrólfssyni sem settist að í Grindavík og Þóri haustmyrkri Vígbjóðssyni sem nam Selvog og Krýsuvík, stuttu fyrir árið 934

Grindavík is a fishing town on the Southern Peninsula of Iceland not far from the tuya Þorbjörn. It is one of the few cities with a harbour on this coast. Most of the inhabitants work in the fishing industry.

The sons of Moldar-Gnúpur established three settlements; Þórkötlustaðahverfi, Járngerðarstaðarhverfi and Staðarhverfi. The modern version of Grindavik is situated mainly in what was Járngerðarstaðarhverfi.

In June 1627 Grindavik was raided by Barbary Pirates in an event known as the Turkish Abductions. Twelve Icelanders and three Danes, along with two vessels were taken, and with captives taken from other Icelandic settlements, transported into slavery in Algiers . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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