
Nyrðri-Háganga │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Hágöngur eru fjöll nálægt Tungnafellsjökli á Sprengisandi á hálendi Íslands . Hæstu tindarnir eru Nyrðri- og Syðri-Háganga .

Það eru nokkur fjöll staðsett um 25 km suður af Nýidal og suðvestur af Vonarskarði og Tungnafellsjökli . Á sama tíma eru þeir staðsettir um 40 km norðaustur af Þórisvatnslóni . Með þeim er háhitasvæði sem er talið vera hluti af eldstöðvakerfi Tungnafellsjökuls og er að hluta undir Hágöngulóni .

Á svæðinu er miðstöð eldfjalla með þvermál 10 km. Rhyolite fjöllin , sem standa í hálfhring, benda til öskju hér. Þrjú háhitasvæði tilheyra þessari eldstöð, en tvö þeirra eru nú undir Hágöngulóni . Sú þriðja er í vestri í Sveðjuhrauni .

The Hágöngur high-temperature area in Central-Iceland is considered to represent one of the larger geothermal areas in Iceland

Hágöngur are mountains near Tungnafellsjökull glacier on Sprengisandur in the highlands of Iceland. The highest peaks are Nyrðri- and Syðri-Háganga.

There are several mountains located about 25 km south of Nýidalur and southwest of Vonarskarð and Tungnafellsjökull. At the same time, they are located about 40 km northeast of Þórisvatnslón. They include a high-temperature area that is considered to be part of the volcanic system of Tungnafellsjökull and is partly below Hágöngulón.

The area is a center of volcanoes with a diameter of 10 km. The Rhyolite Mountains, which stand in a semicircle, point to a caldera here. Three high-temperature areas belong to this volcano, but two of them are now under Hágöngulón man made Lake. The third is in the west in Sveðjuhraun.

. . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig


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