
Kaldrananeskirkja │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Kaldrananeskirkja er friðuð kirkja sem stendur á Kaldrananesi utarlega við sunnanverðan Bjarnarfjörð á Ströndum. Þar var lengi bændakirkja, en kirkjubyggingin sem nú stendur á Kaldrananesi er næstelsta hús Strandasýslu, byggð árið 1851 úr timbri og er klædd með járni. Kirkjan var gefin söfnuðinum um miðja 20. öld.

Í Kaldrananeskirkju er margt góðra gripa. Á kirkjuhurðinni er hringur með áletrun frá 1840. Altiaristaflan er eftir C. Rosenberg og er máluð eftir höggmynd Bertel Thorvaldsen af frelsaranum. Kirkjan á einnig merkan kaleik, patínu (diskur undir oblátur) og tvær klukkur, aðra með ártalinu 1798.

Undanfarin ár hefur hægt og bítandi verið unnið að viðgerðum á kirkjunni. Einnig hefur umhverfi kirkjunnar verið lagfært töluvert, t.d. hlaðinn nýr veggur kringum kirkjugarðinn.

This church belongs to the Holmavik benefice in the Hunavatn deanery on the Bjarnarfiord Sydri Bay. Catholic churches there were dedicated to the Holy Mother, Archangel Michael and bishop Thorlakur the Holy. The present church was built in 1851 and counts as the second oldest house of the district. It is made of wood covered with corrugated iron and in 1888 a steeple was added to it. Other alterations were carried out until 1892, such as a new altar; new windows and the pews were restored. The pulpit from 1787 remained unchanged, but was painted to match the pews and the altar. At the same time the whole church was painted for the first time.

The farmers of Kaldrananes owned the church until it became the possession of the congregation after 1950. Among the precious artefacts of the church are the altarpiece, a chalice, a paten and two bells with the year 1798 inscribed. The latest restoration of the church took place around the year 2000, when a new wall around the cemetery was built. . . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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