
Klifbrekkufossar │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Klifbrekkufossar er nafn á röð lítilla fossa hver ofan við annan í botni Mjóifjarðar á Austurlandi. Fossarnir eru stórkostleg sjón, um 90 metra á hæð í heildina.

Vatnið sem kemur úr fjallinu og rennur í Fjarðará er tært lindarvatn og er því ómengað og hæft til drykkjar.  Áin safnar vatni úr mörgum lindum og smávötnum eins og Bræðravötnum á Fjarðarheiði sem er um eitt þúsund og eitt hundrað metar.

Þó oftast sé nefnd röð fossa og nafnið sé í fleirtölu, þá ætti að líta á Klifbrekkufossa sem einn foss á sjö syllum. Klifbrekkufossar eru meðal fallegustu fossum landsins.

Klifbrekkufossar is a name for a series of small waterfalls one above the other at the bottom of the fjord Mjóifjörður in eastern Iceland. The waterfalls are a spectacular sight around 90 meters high.

The water coming from the top feeding the waterfall in the river Fjarðará is a spring-fed river and therefore not contaminated with dirt and various materials like the many glacial rivers in Iceland.   This makes the river quite clear and clean and gives the waterfalls an incredible feeling of purity. The river accumulates water from many sources in the heath above that goes up to one thousand and one hundred meters filled with small springs and lakes.

Although most often referred to as a series of waterfalls and the name is in plural, Klifbrekkufossar should be seen a single waterfall falling the 90 meters on a series of ledges.  It is by any measure one of the most spectacular sights in Iceland and among the most beautiful waterfalls in the country. . . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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