
Öræfajökull │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Öræfajökull er eldkeila á Suðausturlandi (Austur-Skaftafellssýslu). Yfir fjallinu er jökulhetta þ.e. Öræfajökullinn sjálfur, sem er jafnframt syðsti hluti Vatnajökuls. Hann fyllir stóra öskju efst á fjallinu. Margir skriðjöklar skríða út frá jökulhettunni niður fjallshlíðarnar og um dali við fjallsræturnar. Meðal þeirra eru Svínafellsjökull, Virkisjökull, Kotárjökull, Kvíárjökull og Hrútárjökull. Á norðurhlið fjallsins er Hvannadalshnúkur, hæsti tindur Íslands, 2.110 m. Öræfajökull (jökullinn sjálfur) er allur innan Vatnajökulsþjóðgarðs og fjallið að miklu leyti líka.

Öræfajökull er megineldstöð og hefur gosið tvisvar á sögulegum tíma; fyrst 1362 þegar Litlahérað lagðist í eyði, og síðan minna gosi 1727. Mikið tjón varð í báðum gosunum og þeim fylgdi öskufall og jökulhlaup.

Í nóvember árið 2017 urðu jarðskjálftar undir jöklinum og mældust uppleyst efni í Kvíá sem kemur undan honum og bentu til þess að nýlegt jarðhitasvæði væri undir honum. Askja jökulsins hafði sigið meira en 20 metra. Í febrúar 2018 varð skjálfti af stærð 3,6 undir öskjunni.

Öræfajökull, is an ice-covered volcano in south-east Iceland. it lies within the Vatnajökull National Park and is covered by the glacier.

The tallest peak in Öræfajökull is Hvannadalshnjúkur peak, standing at 2,110 m (6,921 ft) above sea-level, Hvannadalshnjúkur is a peak in the NW part of the ridge surrounding the volcano’s crater. Note that the volcano and glacier share the same name, Öræfajökull.

Öræfajökull has erupted twice in historical times, in 1362 and 1728.

1362 eruption

In 1362, the volcano erupted explosively, with huge amounts of tephra being ejected. The district of Litla-Hérað was destroyed by floods and tephra fall. Sailors reported pumice “in such masses that ships could hardly make their way through it”. Thick volcanic deposits obliterated farmland and ash travelled as far as western Europe. More than 40 years passed before people again settled the area, which became known as Öræfi. The name literally means an area without harbour, but it took on a meaning of wasteland in Icelandic.

1728 eruption

The eruption in August 1727-28 was smaller than 1362, though floods are known to have caused three fatalities when the meltwater swept their farm away.

2017 activity

Increased earthquake activity in the form of small tremors ranging from a depth of 1.5–10 km beneath the summit crater, began in August 2017 according to the Icelandic Meteorological Office.

The Aviation Colour Code of the United States was raised to yellow on 17 November 2017, after the appearance of an ice-cauldron inside the main crater and increased geothermal activity under the glacier.

2018 activity

Increased earthquake activity in April.

Glacial flooding is probably the greatest danger posed now, should Öræfajökull erupt. The ice that covers the caldera is estimated to be about 550 metres thick, and rests hundreds of metres above sea level. Even a small eruption would be likely to provoke massive flooding into the region. Fortunately, not many people live in the area, and preparedness and evacuation procedures are much better now than they were in the 18th century.

If the eruption is larger, it could mean trouble for air travel: remember, Eyjafjallajökull was also capped with ice, and that didn’t stop it from sending a giant plume of ash into the air that shut down air travel across Europe. For now, though, there are as yet still no signs of an imminent eruption from Öræfajökull. But that doesn’t mean we’re not paying really close attention to it.

. . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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