
Documenting “Wetlands of Iceland” │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Ég ( Rafn Sigurbjörnsson ) og góður vinur minn Ellert Grétarsson Ljósmyndari fórum djúpt inn á hálendið í gær til þess að ljósmynda “Votledi Íslands” með drónunum okkar.

Þetta var löng ferð sem hófst kl 06 að morgni og lauk ekki fyrr en um miðnætti.

Fegurðin sem við urðum vitni að er ólýsanleg. Landslagið séð svona ofanfrá er svo súrrealískt og langt frá öllum raunveruleika að orð og orðhugtök eru ekki til í íslensku rituðu máli til þess að lýsa því. Þetta var svona “Vá” tilfinning með mjög langri þögn á eftir sem við upplyfðum.

Það voru tvö þreitt og brosandi andlit sem lögðust á koddann þessa nóttina.

Votlendið er mjög erfitt að ljósmynda vegan þeirra litbrigða sem í því eru, en vonandi tekst mér að framkalla eitthvað úr þeim fjölda mynda sem lyggja eftir daginn og sýna ykkur.

I ( Rafn Sigurbjörnsson ) and my good friend Ellert Grétarsson photographer, went deep into the highlands yesterday to photograph “Wetlands of Iceland” with our drones.

It was a long journey that began at 6 a.m. and did not end until midnight.

The beauty we witnessed is indescribable. The landscape seen from above is so surreal and far from all reality that words and word concepts do not exist in Icelandic written language to describe it. It was  a “Wow” feeling, with a very long silence after which we experienced.

There were two tired and smiling faces lying on the pillow that night.

The wetland is very difficult to photograph due to the nuances in it, but hopefully I will be able to produce something from the many pictures that lie after the day and show you.


. . All info can be found at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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You can buy this and other photos at my Icelandic Stock Photo Web: IcelandStockPhotos.com

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As a native photographer I feel responsible to leave all I can behind to show how it looked like, with my photography, before it’s too late.


  1. I’m glad you are thinking about our Wetlands. The Photo is great

  2. Ridiculously well done

  3. It would be great to be with you on a photo trip – I’m going to put it on my wish list – you are an incredible artist

  4. It takes talent to capture such images. This is amazing

  5. This is amazing

  6. This kind of landscape I thought did not exist on this earth. Well done

  7. I have no words to describe these pictures so “Wow” must suffice

  8. It’s like these pictures are taken from another planet – Gloriously done

  9. Insane photo series. Never seen anything like it – Woow

  10. Is this for real?????????? – Woooooow

  11. These photos are amazing – Wow

  12. This photo series is far out. (PS – you guys look great)

  13. Wetlands – Clean water is the basis of all life – Thank you for raising this important issue with such a beautiful picture

  14. Crazy picture – wow

  15. Wow what a beautiful picture this is – thanks

  16. I really wish I could take pictures like you. Gloriously done

  17. Wetlands are one of the things I’m very interested in and it’s great to see how you put it in a professional way – Thank you

  18. Great presentation – Thank you so much

  19. Wow – this is special – I’ve never seen anything like it before. Gorgeous picture

  20. Thank you for showing interest in the Wetlands. PS. Great shot

  21. Beautiful Photo. Interesting topic. Thanks for sharing

  22. Wetlands is one of the most important places we need to preserve. Thank you to be the first to show us your side of the story. Beautiful shot

  23. This is interesting. Great work. Keep it up, we need people like you

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