
One of my Videos reaches 30.000 limit views on YouTube
and one other have reached the 10.000 limit

by: Rafn Sig,-

Það er mér mikil ánægja að tvö af mínum vídeóum hafa náð 10.000 takmarkinu og annað þeirra er komið með meira en 30.600 áhorf.

Iceland │ Nátthagi. The Valley is full. June 25 2021 │ Reykjanes │ Part 29 hefur náð 30.000 og
Relaxing Bird’s Eye Music Video with the Amazing Iceland Landscape – Song: WHITE DIAMOND – 3 hours hefur náð 10.000 takmarkinu

Þessi tvö myndbönd eru mjög ólík, því Nátthaga myndbandið er 13 mínútna langt og sýnir hvernig ástandið er í dalnum og hvernig hraunrennslið vegna eldsumbrotana á Fagradalsfjalli hagar sér þann 25 júní 2021.

Hitt myndbandið er 3 klukkustunda langt slökunar og hugleiðslu myndband, þar sem ég samdi tónverk upp á 3 klst (White Diamond) og nota svo íslenska náttúru sem bakgrunn og afþreyingar. Þetta myndband er gefið út í janúar 2021 og hefur verið að fá jafnt áhorf síðan.

Ég er mjög þakklátur og auðmjúkur gagnvart öllum þeim fjölda sem hafa skoðað myndböndin mín. Eftir að myndbandið um Nátthaga kom út hefur það haft áhrif á hin myndböndin mín  sem eru öll að fá aukið áhorf , eða 32.908 áhorf síðustu 28 daga, eða samtals 126.257 áhorf  í heildina. Áskrifandhópurinn hefur aukist til muna og er kominn upp í 5.289

Takk öll sömul.
Þetta er mér mikil hvatning um að halda áfram á sömu braut.

Ykkar einlægur
Rafn Sig,-

It’s a great pleasure for me that two of my videos have reached the 10,000 limit and one of them has reached more than 30,000 views.

Iceland │ Nátthagi. The Valley is full. June 25 2021 │ Reykjanes │ Part 29 has reached 30,600 and

Relaxing Bird’s Eye Music Video with the Amazing Iceland Landscape – Song: WHITE DIAMOND – 3 hours has reached the 10,000 goal

These two videos are very different, because the Nátthaga video is 13 minutes long and shows how the situation is in the valley and how the lava flow due to the volcanic eruption on Fagradalsfjall behaves on 25 June 2021.

The other video is a 3 hour long relaxation and meditation video, where I composed a 3 hour piece of music (White Diamond) and then I used Icelandic nature as a background. This video was released in January 2021 and has been getting constant views ever since.

I am very grateful and humbled to all the people who have watched my videos. After the video about Nátthagi was released, it has affected my other videos, which are all getting more views, or 32.908 views in the last 28 days, or a total of 126.257 views in total. The subscriber group has increased significantly and has reached 5,289

I’m deeply thankful to you all.

This is a great encouragement for me to continue on the same path.

Yours sincerely

Rafn Sig, –

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You can buy this and other photos at my Icelandic Stock Photo Web: IcelandStockPhotos.com


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As a native photographer I feel responsible to leave all I can behind to show how it looked like, with my photography, before it’s too late.


  1. Congratulation

  2. Congratulations

  3. Great work – Congratulation

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