Remaining’s of an Icelandic film set “Beowulf & Grendel” (Bjólfskviða) at Kerlingardalsheiði
Documenting Iceland
by: Rafn Sig,-
I really love looking at my old photos to see what we no longer have. These photos are since 2007
Beowulf & Grendel is a 2005 film Canadian-Icelandic fantasy adventure film directed by Sturla Gunnarsson, loosely based on the Anglo-Saxon epic poem Beowulf.
The film was a cooperative effort among Eurasia Motion Pictures (Canada), Spice Factory (UK), and Bjolfskvida (Iceland), and it was filmed in Iceland.
While some of the film remains true to the original poem, other plot elements deviate from the original poem: four new characters (Grendel’s father, the witch Selma, Father Brendan, and Grendel’s son) are introduced, and several related plot points were developed specifically for the film.
The story takes place in the early half of the 6th century CE in what is now Denmark, but the filming of the movie in Iceland provided many panoramic views of that country’s landscape
More about the film can be read here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beowulf_%26_Grendel
. . . You could be interested in this article: 30-Breathtaking photos from Iceland
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