
What is Graduated Neutral Density filter

by: Rafn Sig,-

* * * GND Explained and how to use them  * * *

Which GND (Graduated Neutral Density) filters should you choose?
Well. My choice is Kase filters cause of their high-quality glass and toughness

A common issue that most landscape photographers will face out in the field is balancing the exposure between a (sometimes) very bright sky and a darker foreground.

A GND filter will allow the photographer to balance the luminosity of the scene between the bright sky and the darker ground, for example when shooting during a sunrise or sunset.

That’s why I recommend always having at least one GND in your bag.

Choosing the right filters isn’t as simple. High-quality filters are not cheap and many of us can’t afford to spend hundreds of dollars on a product that doesn’t meet our expectations. That’s why choosing the right ones from the beginning is vital.

I’m not the one, who will tell you what to buy, but for me, the Kase filters fulfill all my expectations as a professional Landscape and Nature Documentary photographer, I can recommend them.

Whatever you do, “Don’t buy second-class filters and put them in front of your first-class lens and camera”.


Look at the Video and you will get all the explanations of how to work with Graduated Neutral Density filters

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