
Rauðaskál Crater │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Flest gíganöfn eru dregin af ásýnd og lögun gíganna en sum hafa þó torræðar skýringar. Algengt er að gíganöfn tengist litum, s.s. Rauðaskál

Gígurinn Rauðaskál liggur í norðurhlíðum Heklu (suðvestan undir Hestöldu) skartar rauðamöl og grænum mosa mitt í svartri auðninni. Gígurinn er hluti af elgosakerfi Heklu og er í um 630 m hæð yfir sjávarmáli

Most crater names are derived from the appearance and shape of the craters, but some have ambiguous explanations. It is common for gig names to be associated with colors, e.g. Red bowl (Rauðaskál)

The crater Rauðaskál lies on the northern slopes of Hekla (southwest under Hestölda) with red gravel and green moss in the middle of the black desert. The crater is part of Hekla’s volcano system and is about 630 m above sea level . . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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