
Reykjavík Capital │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Reykjavík er höfuðborg Íslands, fjölmennasta sveitarfélag landsins og eina borgin. Þannig er Reykjavík efnahagsleg, menningarleg og stjórnmálaleg þungamiðja landsins. 133.671 manns búa í Reykjavík (mars 2021], þar af eru um 11% innflytjendur. Íbúar höfuðborgarsvæðisins eru yfir 230 þúsund í sjö sveitarfélögum. Opinbert heiti sveitarfélagsins Reykjavíkur er Reykjavíkurborg.

Ingólfur Arnarson, sem er í Landnámabók sagður vera fyrsti landnámsmaður Íslands, settist að á Íslandi árið 870, að því talið er, og bjó sér ból og nefndi Reykja(r)vík, þar sem borgin stendur nú. Nýlegir fornleifafundir í miðborg Reykjavíkur, einkum í Aðalstræti, Suðurgötu og Kirkjustræti benda til þess sama, og hafa fundist mannvistarleifar allt frá um 870. Sagan segir að Ingólfur hafi gefið bæ sínum nafnið vegna reykjarstróka sem ruku úr hverum í grenndinni.

Reykjavík is the capital and largest city of Iceland. It has latitude of 64°08′ N, making it the world’s northernmost capital of a sovereign state, and is a popular tourist destination. It is located in southwestern Iceland, on the southern shore of Faxa Bay. With a population of around 123 300 (and over 216 940 in the Capital Region), it is the heart of Iceland’s cultural, economic and governmental activity.

Reykjavík is believed to be the location of the first permanent settlement in Iceland, which, according to Ingólfur Arnarson, was established in AD 874. Until the 19th century, there was no urban development in the city location. The city was founded in 1786 as an official trading town and grew steadily over the next decades, as it transformed into a regional and later national centre of commerce, population, and governmental activities. It is among the cleanest, greenest, and safest cities in the . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig


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As a native photographer I feel responsible to leave all I can behind to show how it looked like, with my photography, before it’s too late.


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