
Selatangar│ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Á Selatöngum var fyrrum mikil verstöð. Þar eru verbúðarústir, fiskbyrgi og fiskgarðar auk hraunhella. Óvíst er hvenær útgerð hófst frá Selatöngum en minjarnar eru ekki eldri en frá miðri 12. öld. Útgerðin lagðist niður um tíma eftir Básendaflóðið 1799, og svo að fullu og öllu 1884 en það ár var síðast róið frá Selatöngum. Rústirnar eru fjölmargar. Svæðið var allt friðlýst árið 1966.

Á seinni hluta 19. aldar kom upp reimleiki á Selatöngum og var draugurinn nefndur Tanga-Tómas.  Mikill reki er við Selatanga.  Þar er stórbrotið umhverfi og magnað að sjá aðbúnaðinn.

Selatangar is an old fishing stations and one of the few around the coast of Iceland that is remaining, although only as ruins. Throughout the centuries, from the early 14th century and up until the late 19th century, fishing stations were essential for most farms and families in Iceland in their effort to sustain. For many farms, it was part of their livelihood. Even though Iceland was an agricultural society, many families and farms needed to add fish to their meals to sustain because the farms did not always have the capacity to feed them and the farms could not grow grain. Also, fish was one of two commodities Icelanders could give merchants who came to Iceland from Europe and offered interesting products otherwise unavailable. Products like corn, alcohol, coffee, and a variety of textile, to name a few. But life at a fishing station was probably one of the most challenging ways to make a living throughout the history of the country. . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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