
Sometimes it’s hard to find a safe way home │ Iceland Landscape Photography

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

English below

Það getur verið mjög varasamt að vera ferðast uppi á Hálendinu yfir vetrartímann, en á móti er fegurðinn þar einstök á þeim tíma.

Hætturnar eru allsstaðar og ferðaáætlunin stenst sjaldnast.

Hér er minn góði vinur Júlíus Hafteinsson að hjálpa mér upp úr einum pyttinum sem ég kom mér útí. Við áttum í miklum erfiðleikum að komast heim frá Veiðivötnum og þetta fannst okkur vera hugsanleg leið að fara, en svo var ekki.

Á hálendinu er ekki ráðlegt að ferðast einbíla því þú veist aldrei hvað getur komið uppá.
Í hópi góðra vina er aldrei leiðinlegt, jafnvel í svona ógöngum.

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It can be very dangerous to travel up in the Highlands during the winter, but the beauty there is unique at that time.

The dangers are everywhere and the itinerary is rarely met.

Here is my good friend Júlíus Hafteinsson helping me out of one of the pits I got me into. We had a hard time getting home from Veiðivötn and we thought this was a possible way to go, but it was not.

In the highlands it is not advisable to travel alone by car because you never know what might happen.

In company of good friends, it is never boring, even in such a dilemma.

. . . all info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig


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As a native photographer I feel responsible to leave all I can behind to show how it looked like, with my photography, before it’s too late.

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