
Strokkur and Geysir Geothermal │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Strokkur er virkasti hverinn í Haukadal – heimili hins fræga Geysis. Þessir hverir eru líklega búnir til á langvarandi jarðskjálftatímabili í lok 13. aldar. Samkvæmt einum annálnum urðu til tveir stórir hverir í Haukadal árið 1274, en margir eyðilögðust og hurfu.

Eftir því sem virkni hins heimsfræga Geysis minnkaði hefur hverinn Strokkur orðið vinsælasta aðdráttaraflið á svæðinu og gýs hann með 3-5 mínútna millibili. Hverasvæðið er girt af og var lýst friðhelgt árið 1953.

Hitastig á yfirborði Strokks goshversins er mjög mismunandi og breytist eftir vind og hitastigi umhverfisins. Á 1 m dýpi er hitastigið um 90-95°C. Við mælingu í Strokki 9. júní 2000 var hægt að mæla niður á 23 m dýpi. Þegar vatnið er kælt í vatni verður það mjög þungt og sekkur þannig að það myndast straumar efst í lindunum. Hitastig hækkar hins vegar stöðugt niður í rás hvers og eins og er í 112°C á 10 m dýpi og á 23 m dýpi er vatnshiti um 120°C. Innrennsli vatns neðst ýtir vatni upp á við og köld vatnsæð fer inn á 13 m dýpi og kælir vatnið um 10°C.

Vatnið nær suðumarki hærra í rásinni og myndar stóra loftbólu rétt fyrir gos. Eldgosið verður þegar vatn rétt fyrir neðan loftbóluna er gegnsýrt af stöðugu flæði heits vatns rétt við suðumark og þrýsting. Ef vatn sýður lengra niður í rásinni yrði gosið öflugra eins og gerist í Geysi. Það gerist ekki í Strokk, hann fyllist aftur fljótt, en Geysir gæti eytt um 12 klukkustundum í að fylla vatn eftir hvert gos.

Strokkur (Icelandic for “churn”) is a very reliable fountain geyser located in a geothermal area beside the Hvítá River in Iceland in the southwest part of the country, east of Reykjavík. It is one of Iceland’s most famous geysers, erupting once every 6–10 minutes. Its usual height is 15–20 metres (49–66 ft), although it can sometimes erupt up to 40 metres (130 ft) high.

Strokkur was first mentioned in 1789, after an earthquake helped to unblock the conduit of the geyser. Its activity fluctuated throughout the 19th century; in 1815 its height was estimated to have been as much as 60 metres (200 ft). It continued to erupt until the turn of the 20th century, until another earthquake blocked the conduit again. In 1963, upon the advice of the Geysir Committee, locals cleaned out the blocked conduit through the bottom of the basin, and the geyser has been regularly erupting ever since

Active geysers like Strokkur are rare around the world, due to the fact that many conditions must be met for them to form. They are thus only found in certain parts of highly geothermal areas.

The first condition that is necessary is an intense heat source; magma must be close enough to the surface of the earth for the rocks to be hot enough to boil water. Considering that Iceland is located on top of the rift valley between the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates, this condition is met throughout most of the county.

Secondly, you will need a source of flowing underground water. In the case of Strokkur, this comes from the second largest glacier in the country, Langjökull. Meltwater from the glacier sinks into the surrounding porous lava rock, and travels underground in all directions.

Evidence of this flowing water can be found in Þingvellir National Park, where there are many fresh water springs flowing straight from the earth.

Finally, you need a complex plumbing system that allows a geyser to erupt, rather than just steam from the ground like a fumarole. Above the intense heat source, there must be space for the flowing water to gather like a reservoir. From this basin, there must be a vent to the surface. This vent must be lined with silica so that the boiling, rising water cannot escape before the eruption. . . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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