
Þykkvabæjarkirkja í Landbroti │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Tvær efnaðar konar ákváðu að reisa þessa kirkju með sínum eigin peningum í kringum 1960 og stóð til að biskup Íslands Séra Sigurbjörn Einarsson væri viðstaddur vígsluhátíðina.

Heimamenn áttu að stofna sjóð til að viðhalda kirkjunni eins og venjan er þegar kirkjur eru reistar af einstaklingum, en því miður gekk ekki að halda úti sjóð til að gera við kuirkjuna og því lagðist kirkjan af.

Two wealthy women decided to build this church with their own money around 1960. It was planned that the Bishop of Iceland, Reverend Sigurbjörn Einarsson, would be present at the consecration ceremony. Locals were to establish a fund to maintain the church as is customary when churches are built by individuals.

Unfortunately, it was not possible to . . . All linfo can be found at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig


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As a native photographer I feel responsible to leave all I can behind to show how it looked like, with my photography, before it’s too late.


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