
Valagjá Crater │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

Valagjá myndaðist við gos úr eldstöðvakerfi Heklu, líklega stuttu fyrir landnám.

Breytingar urðu á virkni Heklu í kjölfar stórs goss fyrir um 3000 árum, en fram að landnámi Íslands á níundu öld einkenndist virknin af minni gosum en áður. Alls eru þekkt um 30 gjóskulög frá þessu tímabili sem skipta má niður í þrjú gosskeið. Elsta gosskeiðið einkennist af súrri til ísúrri kviku og tvílitum gjóskulögum, næsta af ísúrri kviku og minni einlitum dökkum gjóskulögum, en það yngsta af basaltkviku og dökkum lögum. Basísku lögin eiga líklegast upptök á Heklusprungureininni þar sem virkni hófst að nýju. Í einu síðasta gosinu fyrir landnám runnu Sölvahraun og Taglgígahraun og varð Valagjá líklegast til í sprengigosi á svipuðum tíma.

Valagjá is a name of a volcanic crater located near the mountain road Landmannaleið in the southern part of the Icelandic highland.  The geological term for the crater is maar, and it is a similar phenomenon as a few other craters like Víti, Grænavatn and the nearby Hnausapollur and Ljótipollur, but without the water.  The meaning of the term maar is actually an explosion crater.

There were changes in Hekla’s activity following a large eruption about 3000 years ago, but until the settlement of Iceland in the ninth century, the activity was characterized by smaller eruptions than before. A total of 30 pyroclastic layers from this period are known, which can be divided into three eruption periods. The oldest eruption period is characterized by acidic to glacial magma and two-colored igneous layers, the next by glacial magma and smaller monochromatic dark igneous layers, but the youngest of basaltic magma and dark layers. The basic law most likely originates from the Hekla fissure zone where activity resumed. In one of the last eruptions before the settlement, Sölvahraun and Taglgígahraun erupted and Valagjá most likely formed in an explosive eruption at a similar time. . . . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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