Documenting Iceland
Vogar harbor│ Iceland winter twilight photo from air
by: Rafn Sig,-
Vogar municipality formerly Vatnsleysustrandahreppur is a municipality in the north of Reykjanes peninsula. Most residents apply thee work elsewhere, for example to Reykjavík or Keflavík, but before that, the business world was mostly based on seafaring. In the municipality is the settlement Vogar, where there are c.a. 1,300 people. The bay the village stands in is called Vogavík but the village was formerly called Kvíguvogar and Vogastapi, south of the village was called Kvíguvogabjörg. In Stakksfjörður off Vogastapi there were good fishing grounds called Gullkistan. Vogar are 14km away from Reykjanesbær and 25km away from Hafnarfjordur. Most residents live in the town center Vogar but around 150 people in rural areas.
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