
Vogsós river from air │ Iceland Landscape Photography

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

English below.

Hlíðarvatn er stöðuvatn í vestanverðum Selvogi. Það er 3,3 km2 og 5 m þar sem það er dýpst. Í því er allmikil silungsveiði, langmest er það bleikja bæði sjóalin og vatnableikja, en urriða verður aðeins vart. Í vatninu gætir flóðs og fjöru. Vatnið liggur undir hamrahlíðum á sléttlendi við sjó. Mjótt eyði er á milli vatns og sjávar og að sunnan er afrennsli um Vogsós. Stórbrotið eldfjallaumhverfi er umhverfis Hlíðarvatn og mikil náttúrufegurð. Fjölbreytt fugla og dýralíf er einnig umhverfis vatnið. Í nágrenni vatnsins má víða sjá húsarústir, tættur og túngarða gægjast upp úr jörðinni og gefur okkur innsýn í líf fyrri alda.
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Hlíðarvatn is a mere 3.3 km² lake in Selvogi, 1 m above sea level. Its maximum depth is 5 m, its drainage is to Vogsós
The drainage from the water is Vogsós, but no visible surface water flows into the Lake. From the volume of the water and the drainage it can be assumed that it replenishes itself in just under 39 days. However, water solvents are widely found in the water itself, creating ideal conditions for the char and its spawning. Some sources say it could flood and tide in the water, but that’s not right, locals say. Admittedly, the flood rises, but the sea does not regularly enter the water. Sloping water is not sufficiently . . . all info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig


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As a native photographer I feel responsible to leave all I can behind to show how it looked like, with my photography, before it’s too late.

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  1. Beautiful work. You’r the best

  2. Great Photography

  3. I wish I could take such beautiful pictures

  4. Beautiful picture and basically all your pictures

  5. Nice picture

  6. Really love what you are doing

  7. Shot like I would like to be able to do

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