
Faxaskáli in Reykjavík. Now we have Harpa and a 5 star hotel at this place │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland: Reykjavík Capital – 2002-April. 10. Faxagata 2

by: Rafn Sig,-

Faxaskáli var byggður á árunum 1969-1970 sem vörugeymsla. Húsið, sem er byggt úr járnbentri steinsteypu, var reist í tveimur áföngum og var hvor áfangi 3500 m2 að grunnfleti og á tveimur hæðum. Samtals var gólfflötur hússins 14000 m2 brúttó.

Húsið var hannað sem vörugeymsla fyrir brettavöru og er burðarvirki hússins miðað við það. Aðkomur að húsinu voru gegnum vöruhurðir á hliðum hússins. Hurðirnar voru fjórar á hvorri hlið og tvær á suðvesturgafli. Engin vöruhurð var á norðurausturgafli. Einnig voru hurðir á efri hæð hússins og voru þær beint ofan við hurðir á 1. hæð. Við hurðir á efri hæð voru svalir sem notaðar voru við vöruafgreiðslu.

Árið 1994 voru gerðar fyrirkomulagsbreytingar innanhúss samkvæmt teikningum Vignis Albertssonar

Vinnuvélar hófu að rífa niður Faxaskála að morgni 7. September 2006. Fiskimarkaðurinn var  fluttur í Grandaskemmu í Vesturhöfninni og þar með voru öll fiski- og útgerðarstarfsemi við Reykjavíkurhöfn komin að Vesturhöfninni. Hugmyndir voru uppi um að byggja  tónlistar- og ráðstefnuhús á þessum reit og það yrði tilbúið vorið 2010.

9. mars 2006 var undirritaður samningur á milli íslenska ríkisins, Reykjavíkurborgar og Eignarhaldsfélagsins Portus vegna byggingar tónlistar- og ráðstefnuhúss við Austurhöfn Reykjavíkur og þann 12. janúar 2007 hófust framkvæmdir við húsið.

Í maí 2011 var húsið opnað og voru fyrstu tónleikar Sinfóníuhljómsveitar Íslands haldnir í Eldborgarsalnum 4. maí. Þann 13. maí 2011 var formleg opnun hússins og þann 20. ágúst var byggingin vígð og glerhjúpur Ólafs Elíassonar fékk fyrst að njóta sín með ljósasýningu á Menningarnótt í Reykjavík.

Fyrsta skóflustungan að Marriott Edition hótelinu á Hörpureitnum svokallaða var tekin 12. Maí 2017. Áætlað var að hótelið yrði opnað sumarið 2019. Heildarfjárfestingin var áætluð um 17 milljarðar króna.  Edition hótelið var svo vígt vorið 2021. þetta er fyrsta hótelið í Reykjavík sem telst vera fimm stjörnu.

Faxaskáli was built in the years 1969-1970 as a warehouse. The house, which is built of reinforced concrete, was built in two phases, and each phase had a base area of 3500 m2 and two floors. The total floor area of the building was 14000 m2 gross.

The building was designed as a warehouse for pallet goods and the structure of the building is based on that. Access to the building was through cargo doors on the sides of the building. There were four doors on each side and two on the southwest gable. There was no cargo door on the north-east gable. There were also doors on the upper floor of the building and they were directly above the doors on the 1st floor. At the doors on the upper floor was a balcony that was used for product delivery.

In 1994, interior layout changes were made according to Vignis Albertsson’s drawings

Machines began to demolish Faxaskála on the morning of September 7, 2006. The fish market was moved to Grandaskemma in the West Harbor and with that all fishing and shipping activities at Reykjavík Harbor were brought to the West Harbor. There were ideas to build a music and conference hall on this field and it would be ready in the spring of 2010.

On March 9, 2006, an agreement was signed between the Icelandic government, the City of Reykjavík and the Portus Ownership Association for the construction of a music and conference hall at Reykjavík’s East Harbor, and on January 12, 2007, construction began on the building.

In May 2011, the building was opened and the first concerts of the Iceland Symphony Orchestra were held in the Eldborgar Hall on May 4. On May 13, 2011, the building was officially opened, and on August 20, the building was inaugurated and Ólaf Elíasson’s glass envelope was first enjoyed with a light show at Menningarnótt in Reykjavík.

The first shovel for the Marriott Edition hotel on the so-called Hörpureit was taken on May 12, 2017. It was estimated that the hotel would be opened in the summer of 2019. The total investment was estimated at 17 billion ISK. The Edition hotel was inaugurated in the spring of 2021. This is the first hotel in Reykjavík that is considered five-star.

. . . All info at: https://www.patreon.com/RafnSig

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