
I would NOT go to the Blue Lagoon today or in the near future, unless you are suicidal │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Documenting Iceland

by: Rafn Sig,-

visir.is wrote 2023-11-09. Terrified hotel guests at the Blue Lagoon are being picked up by taxis due to the earthquakes.
It is about dozens of people who want to get away, and that cars have been requested for at least 40 passengers, which should be taken to hotels on the Reykjanes Peninsula or in Reykjavík.
Then a rock fell from the wall at the hotel’s lobby

mbl.is wrote 2023-11-09. An announcement from the Icelandic Meteorological Office says that the first earthquake had a magnitude of 4.2 and that the second earthquake had a magnitude of 4.4.
The third quake hit at 00:46 and was felt just as well in the southwest corner as the first two. The first measurements indicate that it was 5.2 in size. It is the largest earthquake recorded in this series. Its source was about half a kilometer from the Blue Lagoon.

dv.is wrote 2023-11-07 ,, Úlfar Lúðvíksson, police chief in Suðurnes, says he considers it irresponsible to maintain activities in the Blue Lagoon due to the uncertainty in Reykjanes concerning earthquakes and possible eruption in the area.’’

dv.is wrote 2023-11-06 ,, Þorvaldur says that the probability of a powerful eruption in Svartsengi is increasing – Could reach the Blue Lagoon in 3 minutes’’

mbl.is wrote 2023-11-06, We are at this stage of uncertainty and we are working to ensure that everyone makes their own decisions about their activities,” says Víðir and points out that HS Orka has already reduced the number of employees at the power plant in Svartsengi and that the Blue Lagoon and other activities in the area are well informed about the situation.’’

mbl.is wrote 2023-10-31 ,, It cannot be ruled out that magma manages to break its way up into the earth’s crust northwest of the mountain Þorbirni.

This is stated in the Norwegian Meteorological Agency’s announcement, where it is noted that the situation can change rapidly.

Northwest of Þorbjörn lies the popular tourist destination Blue Lagoon, while the Svartsengisvirkjun is a little to the east, north of Þorbjörn.’’

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