What is Graduated Neutral Density filter

What is Graduated Neutral Density filter

2024-10-07 What is Graduated Neutral Density filter by: Rafn Sig,- * * * GND Explained and how to use them  * * *Which GND (Graduated Neutral Density) filters should you choose?Well. My choice is Kase filters cause of their high-quality glass and toughnessA common...
Keflavík inn að Forvaða 2007 │ Iceland Photo Gallery

Keflavík inn að Forvaða 2007 │ Iceland Photo Gallery

2024-02-09 Keflavík inn að Forvaða (2007)  │ Iceland Photo Gallery Documenting Iceland by: Rafn Sig,- Samkvæmt örnefnaskrá fór Keflavík í eyði árið 1933. Keflavík á Brekkuhlíð inn að Forvaða en Keflavíkurbjarg út að forvaðanum Gorgán.Keflavík er graslítil jörð, en...
Great recognition from Landvernd Conservancy

Great recognition from Landvernd Conservancy

2024-06-16 It is a great honor for me to have a front page / back page and several pictures on the inside pages of the latest Annual publication of the Landvernd Conservancy 2023 – 2024 Mér er það mikill heiður að eiga forsíðu / baksíðu og fjölda mynda á innsíðum í...
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