Free Photography e-books from Iceland for you to download and enjoy.

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To all my Patreon Supporters

You are welcome to e-mail me for more details, location etc. and I will do my best to assist you, any way possible.


If I could influence you to look at my Patreon page and perhaps become one of my sponsors, you’ll get your name or Logo in all my e-books and videos “Credit List”

but make all the difference for me-

Iceland Vol 14 - Reykjavík Christmas ForsíðaVol 14 Reykjavík Christmas
View and Download the e-book

Kíktu svo við á þessa síðu reglulega,

því bókunum fer fjölgandi.


My Dear Patreon Supporters.

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. You guys mate it possible for me to create all these Books and Videos

– Thank you kindly ones more.

Free donations

“All small contributions are highly appreciated (many small rivers makes one big) ”.

Iceland is very sensitive due to short summers and long winters,
so it takes the vegetation long time to heal

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as there is more to come


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